I saw that. ~ Karma


PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

“My mom is gonna kill me.” Abbie surveyed the damage to the car she had sideswiped while her best friend sat texting.

Without looking up from her phone, Olivia said, “You’re totally right. We should bail.”

“What?!? You’re kidding right?”

“We’re alone. If we leave fast you’re clear. Nobody has to know.”

Abbie scanned the empty street and debated, but the angel on her left shoulder won.

Tucking a note with her name and cell number under the wipers, she saw a good-looking boy exit the house across the street and walk toward her.

Karma isn’t always a bitch.

A huge thanks to Mrs Completely for introducing me to Friday Fictioneers. You should check out her blog. It’s one of my favorites.